During the Valborg event in Hälsoparken we will give you an exclusive offer to buy your tickets to the Kick Off Festival 2023.
Don’t miss this opportunity to secure your ticket!
The Student Union does not accept any repurchases of festival tickets.
The Student Union is not responsible for any lost or broken festivalbands.
Remember that you need to show a valid Mecenat card when you are buying the festival tickets.
You also need to show the Mecenat card at the entrance to the festival on Aug 26th!
We will all gather in our beloved Hälsoparken from 12:00 where we’ll start off the spring celebration with a live performance from JU’s academic choir, JUVE, with conductor Dan Boberg. It will then be followed by a spring speech.
At 13:00 Westcoast Nation will host the annual Sexkamp, which is a competition between all the different Sexmasteries at JU and all the different Crews from Akademien. So, make sure to be there to cheer on these lovely people in the different competitions! The participants are Cellskapet, SexKreation, HI LIFE, Blue Crew, Pedsex Park, Qultmästeriet, Pubpoolen, Matpoolen and Fotopoolen. Make sure to not miss this!
The day will continue with a bunch of performances of different kinds that will be released in the coming weeks, but we can assure you that this year’s edition of Valborg won’t disappoint. So bring a chair or a blanket, and just sit back, relax, and have a wonderful day together with us in Hälsoparken!
AND, of course, the one and only AKADEMIEN will be open later in the evening!
So, save the date, prepare your overalls and start getting hyped for Valborg Celebrations ’23!